The Client

HomeElegant is an online made-to-order furniture brand focused on affordable and modern designs for urban apartment living. Despite strong initial website traffic after launch, their first year sales only achieved around 90 orders monthly as conversion rates lagged. To scale up, the strategy required expanding reach while reducing friction across the shopper journey.

The Project

We placed ads on Facebook, Google, YouTube & Instagram along with a focus on CRO & automation to help increase sales. The tenure of the project was 12 months & we successfully helped the brand grow.

The Strategy

We took an integrated growth approach across 7 channels:


  • Expanded content pillars to include shoppable room tours and style guides.
  • Onboarded micro-influencers to broaden awareness.

Meta Ads

  • Lookalike visitors prospecting to retarget high-intent users.
  • Video ads spotlighting modular furniture flexibility.

Google Ads

  • Ramped keywords across urban living room products.
  • Leveraged in-market audiences for storage & organization.

YouTube Ads

  • TrueView ads paired with apartment space-saving videos.


  • Mobile speed optimizations to improve on-site experience.
  • Added badges and urgency messaging to product pages.


  • Post-purchase review generation via email.
  • Cart abandonment retargeting flows.

The Execution

In executing over the 12-month period, we:


  • Published 4X more content, including shoppable room tours.
  • Onboarded 12 new micro-influencers, driving awareness.

Meta Ads

  • Rigorous testing into custom audiences revealing 3X performance lift.

Google Ads

  • Achieved sub $1 cost per click from expanded keywords
  • Maintained > 10% CTRs showing strong account health

YouTube Ads

  • Drove over 28M video impressions from urban living video


  • Increased mobile conversion rate by 25% from page speed gains.
  • Added 15+ badges spotlighting product-unique selling points.


  • Customers segmented by product category to request feedback based on items purchased.
  • Review emails personalized with customer name, order details, and specific product images.
  • Follow-up sequence balances offer incentives with the value of contribution.
  • Tested subject lines, content formats, and discount amounts.
  • Coded funnel to place page exit pixels on billing and shipping pages.
  • Triggered flows when cart value above $50 is abandoned.
  • Segmented audiences by cart items to showcase products left.
  • Subject lines spoke to the moment of abandonment with time urgency.
  • Varied discount percentages between 15-25% based on cart value tiers.

The Achievements

Here is a data progression comparison for key metrics from the first quarter vs. the fourth quarter:

First Quarter:

  • Monthly orders: 92
  • Revenue: $6,900
  • Marketing Spend: $3,100
  • ROAS: 220%
  • Site traffic: 10,200
  • Conversion rate: 0.9%
  • Repeat order %: 19%

Fourth Quarter:

  • Monthly orders: 2498
  • Revenue: $249,000
  • Marketing Spend: $21,450
  • ROAS: 1,160%
  • Site traffic: 92,550
  • Conversion rate: 2.7%
  • Repeat order %: 35%

Quarterly Lift:

  • 445% more monthly orders
  • 750% revenue growth
  • 520% increase in marketing ROI
  • 900% higher site traffic QoQ
  • 300% more conversions
  • 185% greater repeat purchases

The expanding quarterly growth in core metrics highlights the consistent returns generated from HomeElegant’s integrated strategy, combining increased reach from scaled omnichannel ads with improved on-site experiences via testing and personalization. This led to 400%+ lifts in revenue, order volume, and retention KPIs year-over-year.