The Client

GlamGal is an online D2C cosmetics brand selling quality makeup directly to 18-34 year old female beauty shoppers. Despite strong initial traction getting to 1.2K orders/month by year 2, they hit a growth plateau. To scale further, it became essential to amplify and optimize digital marketing across channels.

The Project

We placed ads on Facebook, Google, YouTube & Instagram along with focusing on CRO to help increase the number of orders. The tenure of the project was 24 months & we were successful in increasing the brand’s sales. 

The Strategy

We, at DesignScript, took a digital growth stack approach across core channels:


  • Expanded beauty content pillars to 5 including tutorials, reviews, styles
  • Grew micro and macro influencer partnerships

Meta Ads

  • Lookalike audiences from high-value purchasers
  • Clinical retargeting for second purchases

Google Ads

  • Commercial intent keywords across makeup categories
  • Similar audiences targeting based on beauty demand

YouTube Ads

  • TrueView video ads aligned with cosmetics interests

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation)

  • On-site funnel optimization from product details to checkout.
  • Improved page speed for enhanced user experience.
  • Added social proof elements build trust and credibility.

The Execution


  • 4X more posts per week emphasizing UGC.
  • 2X more followers in 1 year at 10K/month rate.
  • 3X more influencer collaborations.

Meta Ads

  • Grew ad sets from 8 to 30+ through rigorous testing.
  • Achieved 6.5X industry average CTR.

Google Ads

  • 5X more keywords to over 3,000 high-intent queries.
  • Maintained >10% CTRs showing relevance.


  • Over 100 million beauty video ad impressions.
  • Optimized based on view rates and click targets.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation)

  • A/B tested simplified checkout flows lifting conversions 18%.
  • Reduced mobile page load time by 850+ ms.
  • Displayed best-selling badges and customer photos. 

We tracked the following KPIs:

  • Traffic Volume by Channel
  • Conversion Rates
  • Repeat Purchase Rates

The Achievements

Here is a data progression comparison for key metrics from the first quarter vs. the eight quarter:

First Quarter:

  • Monthly orders: 1,300  
  • Revenue: $78,000
  • Marketing Spend: $16,000  
  • ROAS: 486%
  • New Email Subscribers: 3,200
  • Repeat Purchase %: 8% 
  • Social Media Followers: 5,600

Eighth Quarter:

  • Monthly orders:  8,520
  • Revenue: $707,160
  • Marketing Spend: $69,300
  • ROAS: 1,020%
  • New Email Subscribers: 59,850
  • Repeat Purchase %: 28%
  • Social Media Followers: 21,300

Quarterly Lift:

  • 170% more monthly orders
  • 221% revenue growth
  • 84% increase in marketing return
  • 621% higher repeat purchase rate
  • 280% more email subscribers
  • 281% jump in social followers

The expanding growth in core metrics over the 8 measured quarters highlights the consistent compounding returns generated from GlamGal’s integrated digital strategy. Systematically scaling paid social, search and display channels led to triple-digit lifts in revenue, customers, repeat rates, and lower CPAs year-over-year. For any D2C cosmetics brand, GlamGal’s model proves how channel diversification pays dividends in the long run through exponentially multiplying sales.