The Client

We’re talking about an online women’s fast fashion brand, Pretty Chic, catering to 18-35 year old female shoppers. They sell stylish and affordable dresses, tops, bottoms, and accessories on their direct-to-consumer ecommerce store. Though they had a strong social media following in their first year, they struggled to convert them into paying customers and only did about 40 orders per month with limited revenue. It became essential for us, at DesignScript, to amplify and optimize the brand’s digital marketing across channels to drive sales.

The Project

We placed ads on Facebook, Google, Snapchat & focused on email marketing to help increase the brand’s visibility. The tenure of the project was 12 months & we were successful in helping the brand with increasing conversions. 

The Strategy

We developed an integrated digital campaign focused on dramatically increasing conversions and revenue. Specific strategies included:

Meta Ads

  • Collection ads to promote the best-selling dress category to lookalike audiences
  • Dynamic product ads to retarget site visitors with top-viewed products
  • Optimized for link clicks and on-site purchases

Google Ads

  • Search ads to target commercial intent keywords like “summer dresses”
  • Responsive search ads leading to relevant category and product pages
  • Optimized for CTR and conversions


  • Vertical video collection ads mirroring the brand’s Instagram aesthetic
  • Leveraged Snap’s modeling capabilities to dynamically showcase products
  • Optimized for swipe-up rate

Email Marketing

  • Lead magnet campaign offering 20% discount for email signups
  • Regular weekly promo emails showcasing top products
  • Optimized for new subscribers, open rate, and CTR

The Execution

We launched campaigns systematically from February 1st, intensifying through April. Details include the following:

Meta Ads

  • Ran 8 different ad sets with 3 creatives, each seeing over 80,000 impressions
  • Achieved over 1200 post-click site visits
  • 3X industry average CTR
Meta ads
Meta ads

Google Ads

  • Covered [dresses, summer fashion, date night outfit] keywords
  • Over 4,500 impressions and 900 clicks to the site
  • 5.5% CTR outperformed the benchmark by 125%
Google ads


  • Successfully generated 600 swipe ups
  • Low cost per click at $0.08

Email Marketing

  • Lead magnet helped capture 300+ new subscribers
  • 25% open rates and 8-15% CTR across sends
  • 34% of orders from email-generated customers

We tracked the following KPIs:

  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Subscriber Conversion Rate
  • Email Open Rates
  • Bounce rates
  • Orders from new customers

The Achievements

Here is a data progression comparison for key metrics from the first quarter vs. the fourth quarter:

First Quarter

  • Monthly orders: 40
  • Revenue: $2,000
  • ROI: Unavailable (ad spending benchmark to come)
  • Subscriber list: 375
  • Repeat purchase %: 5%
  • Email open rate: 12%
  • CTR from emails: 2-3%

Fourth Quarter

  • Monthly orders: 1,973
  • Revenue: $122,326
  • ROAS: 915% (for every $1 in ad spend, $6.15 in sales)
  • Subscriber list: 19,030
  • Repeat purchasers: 32%
  • Email open rate: 28-35%
  • CTR from emails: 12-19%

Quarterly Lift

  • Orders grew over 49X from 40 to 1,973 per month
  • Revenue multiplied by over 61X between Q1 and Q4
  • ROAS showed substantially positive return driven by channels
  • Subscribers list grew by over 54 times
  • Repeat purchase increased by 27%
  • Email engagement doubled open rate

The success of Pretty Chic provides a blueprint for direct-to-consumer fashion brands struggling with sales. Leveraging meta ads, search ads, Snapchat and email lead gen can drive exponential growth rapidly. Going from 40 to 1973 orders monthly between Q1 & Q4 demonstrates how integrated digital marketing successfully converts social platform followers into paying customers. For any ecommerce company targeted at the female audience, adopting this stack delivers the proof that intense digital and retention campaigns are the keys to skyrocketing online fashion sales.